100 Scoops in 365 days

100 Scoops in 365 days

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Flavor #21 - Scoop Dogg

We have an occasional house guest with special needs.  She is the best guest. Not too picky, not loud and just curious enough to keep things interesting. She also wants whatever we are having. But since dairy, chocolate and sugar are not necessarily the best things for dogs, I looked up a few canine friendly recipes and present you with one I am calling Scoop Dogg.

 Millie has had the Doggie Treat Ice Cream down the street at Carter's.  Carter's is a great, traditional New England seasonal roadside stand that has been serving award winning flavors for generations. Their formula seems to be a vanilla yogurt with a few dog bones. I went in a slightly different direction.

16 oz Fat Free Plain Yogurt
One Banana
1/4 Cup of Peanut Butter

Throw it in a blender and put it in the machine. It's that simple. Except it comes out in a frozen brick. I put it on very low for a minute of two in the microwave to get it to soften up and added a few Milk Bones. It smells good and there are people online who say they even make extra for themselves - just without the Milk Bones.

Of course, I don't serve it in a cup. it goes right in the bowl.

Since it was gone in a few minutes and there were no later intestinal issues, I am willing to say this was a success!


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