100 Scoops in 365 days

100 Scoops in 365 days

Friday, June 13, 2014

Flavor #20 - Oedi's Thai Iced Tea

I do not spend enough time going to Thai restaurants.  When I do, I always get a Thai Iced Tea. Thai Iced Coffee is good too, but since I just made an Ice Tea Sorbet yesterday, I could not waste the opportunity. 

I am still working on the overall presentation as this combines the Iced Tea and the Vanilla I made earlier in the week to get the layered effect of an actual Thai Iced Tea.  In an ideal world, I would load the two batches into individual servings like you do with pudding. I just don't have enough room in my freezer! To get the layered effect, rather than scoop the Vanilla, I spooned it out to lay flat on the top. After a few tries, I got it to somewhat look like I wanted but it is still a work in progress.

The flavor of the tea and vanilla is wonderful and was enjoyed even more than just the simple Ice Tea last night.

For those of you not in the loop, this flavor is named for my friend, former Program Director and part-time Thai resident Oedipus. Oedi is one of the only people I have ever worked with who related to Asian culture as much as I did. And the lucky bastard lives in Thailand with his lovely wife for a good chunk of the year whenever the political situation is not boiling over. For those of you who miss his show, Nocturnal Emissions on WBCN, feel free to check out his site The Oedipus Project.


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