100 Scoops in 365 days

100 Scoops in 365 days

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Flavor #47 - PB&J Ice Cream

It's back to school time! PB&J was a regular in the sandwich rotation while I was growing up and it saddens me that so many kids are deprived of this great American sandwich experience due to over sensitive school systems. And now, due to so many kids with peanut allergies, if I do chose to serve this commercially, I will need to deck out the shop with warning signs like I am serving Uranium, just to keep insurance costs down.

I knew how I wanted to make this from the start and did not consult any other recipes. I started by slathering a thick layer of peanut butter on 2 1/2 large slabs of graham crackers followed by a generous layer of grape jelly with another graham cracker on top. Those 2 1/2 sandwiches spent a few hours in the freezer to firm up while I prepared the vanilla ice cream base. I took the sandwiches out of the freezer shortly before the mix cam out of the machine and chopped them into different sizes and folded them into the mix once it came out of the machine.

1 1/2 Cups of Heavy Cream
1 1/2 Cups of Milk
3/4 Cup of Sugar
1 Teaspoon of Vanilla
1 Pinch of Salt
5 Slabs of Graham Crackers
4 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter
3 Tablespoons of Grape Jelly

Since I had not been happy with my other attempts at peanut butter flavors, I was skeptical as I was preparing this one. Both boys give this a thumbs up and tell me they like the flavor and they like the crunch. The peanut butter sticking to the graham cracker seems to be a big plus!


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