100 Scoops in 365 days

100 Scoops in 365 days

Monday, July 14, 2014

Flavor #30 - Strawberry Pineapple Popsicles

I got a new toy over the weekend. I kept seeing all these cool recipes for popsicles, recipes that seemed better as popsicles than in a bowl. So I bought a Zoku so I could have fun with some smaller batches. This model will make three popsicles at a time in just about 10 minutes. They say you have the ability to make three batches before the unit needs to go back in the freezer. As I am still playing with it, I'll let you know how far we get.

The Strawberry Pineapple was a fun way to start. Three quick popsicles in just 10 minutes. They were certainly hard enough, as getting them out of the machine was not easy. It is just the first time out and I am sure I need to work on my technique.

One cup of strawberry juice with one cup of Simple Syrup.
One cup of pineapple puree with one cup of Simple Syrup.

I am so used to a bigger batch of ice cream taking three times longer to get out of the machine, then another few hours for the batch to freeze. The popsicles are ready quicker and so much smaller. It will take some getting used to but I know these are going to be fun!


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